
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fotobabble Book Recommendations

I am thrilled to be linking up with Kristin at Teaching 1:1 for her new linky party series "Tuning into Technology!" This week the theme is integrating technology into reading, so I thought I'd share a fun activity my kiddos LOVED this past year....Fotobabble Book Recommendations!  During the past few months of school I was fortunate enough to have a classroom set of iPads (SOOOO excited to get them again next year)!!!  One of the fun apps we explored during this time was Fotobabble.  Fotobabble is free app that allows students to take a photo of an image and then record their voice as a narration.  As a fun alternative to "Writing About Reading" I had my students write their book recommendation and then create an audio recording of themselves.  Instead of compiling the book recommendations as a class book like I normally would, I posted the videos on my classroom website for viewing.  Students were ecstatic to listen to one another's book recommendations through their iPads as were parents who viewed from home.   Be sure to check out Kristin's linky party for other amazing ideas on incorporating technology into your reading block!

Click the video below to hear one of my former student's book recommendation. (I apologize for the background noise...we are always VERY busy in Room 2! hehe!)


  1. I've got to check out Fotobabble! Looks so cool and a great way to get kids excited about reading. I love that you posted it to your class website for them all to view. I just saw that you're in IL- so am I! Where about do you teach? I teach in Berwyn (suburb of Chicago). Thanks for linking up. I'm looking forward to reading more posts about how you use technology and I hope you'll be back next week for math.:)

    iTeach 1:1

  2. I love that little video. Thanks for sharing Fotobabble. I'm going to try it with my kiddos this fall. I just wish that I had a set of iPads to use with my class. No money at my school.
    Thanks, Claire

  3. I didn't know anything about this app so thanks for sharing. What a great way to have students put together book reviews! Love it!!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  4. Hi Erin,
    Don't iPads just make everything so much more exciting? I have heard of Fotobabble, but haven't used it yet, but I'm thinking next year will be my year to actually try it out! I love the idea of creating book recommendation videos on Fotobabble and then letting kids listen to each others and letting their parents listen as well- love that you included that parent involvement piece!
    Thanks so much for linking up with us!
    Learning to the Core

  5. So glad to have found your blog through the Linky. Love the app for students to use in Reading. Thanks for sharing! I am your newest follower on Bloglovin.

    Shepherd's Shining Stars

  6. Thanks for sharing that idea - can't wait to try it out next year when our students get their iPads! :-) By the way.....

    Congratulations! I've nominated your blog for the Liebster Award!

    Liebster is German and means “dearest,” “lovely,” “cute,” “beloved,” and “welcome”.

    Here are the rules of Liebster Award:
    1. Link back to the blog that nominated you.
    2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
    3. Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator.
    4. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
    5. Create 11 questions for your nominees.
    6. Contact your nominees by commenting on their blog or sending them an email to communicate the nomination.
    If you're interested in accepting this award, stop by my post, UTC and An Award, to collect!

    Congrats again,
    Surviving Sixth Grade
