
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Arrrrrgh you ready to "Teach Like a Pirate"???

I'm happily linking up with Jessica at Tales of a Teacherista to promote what I've been reading this summer! (Isn't her blog name the cutest?!?)  This summer I've been glued to Dave Burgess' book Teach Like a Pirate! After hearing all of the amazing reviews out in 'Teacher Bloggyland' I couldn't wait to get my hands on it, and was sooooo not disappointed!
I loved an analogy Dave created (that's right I call him Dave ;P ) between creating a meal and creating a lesson.  Dave says to marinate the meat for the BBQ, provide side dishes, and a dessert...all in all create a well thought out meal.  Take this and apply it to your lesson planning and most importantly the presentation of your lesson to your class.  Dave says some educators however, "walk into class with their raw, unseasoned content, plop it down in front of their kids and say, 'Eat it!'"  Isn't that fabulous!?!?
AND then, yesterday I was reading the always hilarious Greg Smedley at Smedley's Kindergarten Smorgasboard post on the latest chapter he read in this book and left this comment on his page:
Do you see who replied to my comment!?!? That's right folks, Dave Burgess!!! See, I told ya' we were friends! ;) Thinking about Mr. Burgess reading my comment...I just couldn't handle it! I died, went to Teacher Heaven, where I was surrounded by Post-it Notes, Flair Pens, and glitter, and then returned back to Earth. 
With about a fourth of the book left, I'm feeling re-energized about my classroom, validated for some of the choices I've made (that may have caused some sideways glances from others), and feeling supported as I make self-improvements.  If you haven't picked up a copy yet, click on the button above and order yours today!
Happy 4th Y'all!!!


  1. Hahahahahaha! Your post was so funny! I found your blog somewhere out in the blogosphere today and thought I'd stop by. Glad I did! Congrats on getting a comment from your BFF Dave =) I'll have to check out that book!

    Amanda @
    Teacher at the Wheel

  2. Too funny! Your post gave me a giggle this morning. Happy Fourth and congrats on teacher heaven! :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  3. Hi Erin! Thanks so much for your post. I love that you brought up the BBQ analogy. It's one of my favorite parts of the live workshop. I have an awesome raw steak prop that I love to use. I will tell you, however, that airport security is much less fond of the solid steak prop than I am! It is always getting pulled out and examined. It inevitably leads to a few chuckles, though! Hope to connect f2f sometime and would love to have you see the live program!!
