
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Curriclum Night: Meet the Parents

A few weeks ago my school hosted Curriculum Night, I was able to meet many of the parents, discuss the third grade curriculum, and the procedures of my classroom.  I was overwhelmed by the amount of parents that came to support their child's education. We even needed to grab extra chairs to seat everyone! How awesome is that!?!?
Here is a peek at what was on my student's desks when the parents arrived....the yellow tri-fold is from my district's Writing Committee, informing parents about our district curriculum of the '6 Traits'.  Peeking out of the top of the pile is a pink and green packet of the third grade "I Can" CCSS statements, giving parents an idea of what we will be accomplishing this year.  To the left is a student iPad, used for a special project.  Finally, on top is my fabulous flip book, made with First Grade Fairytales template!!! Her post is amazing, check it out HERE. 
Isn't that flip book beautiful!? I love how bright and eye catching it is AND I loved how it can be used as a quick resource for parents, opposed to the large booklet I created last year.  It took a few minutes for the ol' noggin to figure out how to assemble this bad boy...but I promise it's easy.  On the Contact Information page I also included a QR Code, which linked to my classroom website.  I asked parents to scan the code and follow along while I talked about the ins and outs of our room.
BUT the super fun part of the iPads that evening was the video sharing between my third graders and their parents. This idea came from one of my teammates, she such a smarty I'm so glad I get to work with her!  Our students created short 30 second videos during the school day welcoming their parents to our classroom.  During Curriculum Night, parents were able to view the videos and then create their own video for their third grader! Isn't that adorable!?
My students were SO excited to view their videos the next morning as they came back into the classroom!
That evening I also displayed my tiny Wishing Tree, full of donation wishes for our classroom.  Parents pluck a wish off the tree and grant it, I've already gotten some baby wipes and paper plates donated to the class! Awesome!
The tree came from Michael's clearance section last year and the mini tree skirt was found in a clearance bin at Hallmark last January. :)
Isn't it sweet? It reminds me of a sparkly version of the Charlie Brown's Christmas tree!
Lastly, I just wanted to share my First Day of School pics with my kids! I was a wee bit proud of that sign made from a canvas, leftover chalkboard contact paper, ribbon and paint.
I hope all of your parent nights went as well as mine!!!!


  1. YOU ROCK! What a great idea to do the video sharing. Our Open House was an hour, but my kids scurried in and out to get out to the courtyard do a drum cadence for the school. I had the kids show their parents our classroom and everything we had accomplished the first month of school. Short and sweet...not short and sassy, but that's okay too!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Your Charlie Brown tree is soo precious. The parents must have been blown away with the iPad videos. Wish I had to pull out the extra chairs at my curriculum night.;)

    iTeach 1:1

  3. I love the flip book! Great idea!!


  4. I love the video sharing idea! I bet parents (and kids) LOVED that!

  5. I'm overwhelmed by your amazingness! Keep it up, Sassy!
