
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What's Your Schedule Linky

There's a new link party out there that caught my eye by Susan at Thank God It's First Grade and I couldn't help joining in on the fun! I must admit that I can be a bit nosy curious as to how everyone fits everything into their schooldays. SO...with out further ado, this is a peek at my week!

As you can see, my classroom has a really HEAVY morning with our math and ELA.

Morning Routine- This is pretty standard, in my school buses begin arriving at 7:50am, so until 8:20 the third grade students sit in lines outside of their classrooms after hanging up their backpacks & coats on hooks. I have my students turn their homework in early to me, so that I can get a head start on checking their work. Once in the classroom, students sign-up for hot lunch, complete their morning work, book shop, and read-to-self, until morning announcements done over the intercom by our school principal.  

Math-This year I share a common math time with 3 other third grade classes.  Between the four of us and our Math Enrichment teacher we are leveling our students based on pre-tests for each of our math units.  This allows our top 15 students to receive math enrichment instruction as well as the bottom 15-20 to work in a smaller classroom environment with aide support.  

E.L.A.- My district has adopted the Wonders program for our English/Language Arts instruction this year.  It's been wonderful having my phonics, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, writing, & reading instruction to come from the same resource and helps make for a more cohesive learning environment.  

Prime Time- In my building each grade level has a half-hour block each day set a side as a 'sacred' time so to speak.  During this half-hour many students are pulled for their services.  Resource, Enrichment (Discovery), and Title 1 Reading, meet with groups for instructional lessons. In my classroom, I am not permitted to instruct any new material during this time.  This year I only have 2 students who leave my room during Prime Time, so I typically use this half-hour for my time with my guided reading groups.

Recess & Spelling- These are shared timed with the same 3 teachers I share math with.  We each take turns having days off & on for recess duty (LOVE IT!).  My team uses Words Their Way spelling curriculum, which levels students into ability groups.  With the help of our ELL teacher, Resource teacher, and Resource aide we are able to have 7 ability groups.

Science/S.S.-  My team teaches either a science or social studies chapter.  For example, we finished learning about weather and then shifted gears to our S.S. topic of immigration.

Library & Computers- In my district the school library & computer lab are monitored by aides.  This means that I stay in both of these rooms during this time.  I'm responsible for planning computer lab projects and directing my class with the help of the aide.  During library, we have 'Library Parents' who volunteer time to help kiddies find and check-out their books.  It's SUCH a big help!

P.E., Art, Music, Reading Intervention: These are my plan times throughout the week...let me tell you..I wish I had more time! The Reading Intervention is led by one of our building's Reading Teachers.  She comes to my classroom and works on reading strategies through a read aloud to the class.  

Phew! I'm exhausted by looking at that week! 
Thank you again as always for reading! Two more days until the weekend!!!

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