Listening: I've got the hum of my space heater and the torso of my black lab to keep me warm on these chilly winter nights here in Chicago! Funny how you don't seem to mind all of the snow when you're cooped up inside with your jammies on!
Loving: Maybe I should be ashamed to admit this...but I'm loving all of the shortened weeks we had in January! Folks, I had not ONE full 5 day week! Crazy! Between MLK Day, a teacher half-day inservice, and FOUR snow days January just seemed to fly by!
Thinking: I really need to purge some items I've been hanging that's never worn, odd bits and bots that I swore I would find a reason to use and still haven't, I just need it all to go and function in a cleaner space. Maybe my spring cleaning will bring on some spring never know!
Wanting: A new hairstyle. 4 years ago I sported a super adorable angled bob hairdo, which I LOVED. However, as time went on my hairdresser and I got a little over zealous with the angle, it had become extreme. I'm talking like...hey Kate, where's Jon and the 8 extreme. Since then I've been growing it out and keeping it around shoulder length....but I'm starting to get the haircut itch again. The one that won't be satisfied until I see a lot of dead ends cut loose on the floor.
Needing: I really, really need to change my bulletin board. It's old. I haven't updated it since sometime in November. Shhh! The kids still haven't asked why I've been slacking on that detail! Let me just tell you about the bulletin board outside my room. It's HORRIBLE! Horrible I tell you. The 'board', if you can even call it that, is above my third grader's hooks and stretches all the way up to the ceiling in the hallway. Ick. Plus, it's not even a regular board, there are two strips that you can kinda sorta put staples into and the rest is dry wall..or something..I have no idea. So, in order for me to hang things up, it requires me to get a ladder from the custodial closet, by trusty one-touch stapler from Staples, clothes appropriate for ladder climbing, Hulk-like strength, and the grace of God.
2 Truths and a Fib:
1. I've worked with kids from grades Pre-K-5th. TRUE. Since graduating in 09 I've had experience teaching/assisting students at each of those grade levels. My favorites are always the little ones!
2. I'm obsessed with ketchup and fries. FALSE. Ketchup=gross! I can't stomach the smell, I really do get sick to my stomach when I sit next to someone who slathers ketchup on everything. I prefer to dip my fries into pure honey, I like a little sweet & a little salty.
3. I'm related to a professional opera performer. TRUE. My younger sister ( I can't call her little, because she's about 7 inches taller than me) is graduating this year with her degree in opera performance and has already performed professionally! I'm so excited for her and can't wait to see where her voice will take her next! I'm hoping her voice will take her (and me) to Italy perhaps.
Thank you for reading and for the love-filled comments! I'm off to check out some other Currently posts!