
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Area Awesomeness and Partying with Perimeter

Is this not a great visual?? I found the idea on Pinterest, but it wanted to lead me to No Man's Land...if you know who's idea it belongs to I'd love to give them credit! 

I've really grown to love teaching third grade really love it! Area and perimeter is one of my favorite chapters, the kids just 'get it' and really start making some connections between math they already know! Now if only we can make some better connections in our writing....hmph! 

I'm excited to share a few things I've been doing with my class this year during our Area/Perimeter chapter, and if you're patient with me, you'll find some freebies at the end. :)

First up is GeoBoard App! It's so simple, easy to use, and free! I LOVE not having to waste time passing out my other manipulatives and dodging rubber band sling shots! WINNING!

Next up is Area and Perimeter Word Work, it's another simple activity I typed up and put in my Word Work station.  I love to have the kids reviewing math skills while practicing their spelling words and they love finding anything new in the Word Work bin! 

Here's a picture of one in action, I printed mine double sided and slipped it into a dry erase sleeve.  Make sure your students write their word on the middle row, this way your letters that dip below the line and your tall letters have space.  Students then draw a box around the entire word and determine the area and perimeter.  How simple is that??

My final share are these adorable Perimeter Pets! I gave the kids some graph paper to draw the best type of pet, they then determined the area and perimeter of the pet. I also had them do a bit of opinion writing where they had to include their reasoning for picking the animal they drew.  

It was a simple activity that the kids LOVED.  

I promised you freebies, and you can find both the Area and Perimeter visual and Word Work 
HERE and HERE, or by clicking on their images above. 


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  1. Thanks Erin, I love your ideas, especially the perimeter pet.
    Happy Easter
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  2. Hi! I found your blog randomly, as I was doing my usual "lemme click this button" search....and I kinda love it! So I have decided I am your newest follower! Woop! Woop!

    Please go check out my blog....I'd love if you followed! But I must say I'm on the list for a new blog design so.....ugh, excuse the lack of color lol!

    Anywho, my blog is :

    Enjoy your Thursday :-)


    1. Yay for my newest follower! I checked out your blog too...I'm totally in love with all of your HP references!!
      Happy Weekend!

  3. Perimeter pets equal preciousness and awesomeness all combined in a cute lil' ball. I need to check out that app!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
