
Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Currently

Summer is almost here, I can taste it!   In fact, this weekend I did taste it... hot dogs, ice-cream, and an accidental taste of sunscreen- ick! 

Listening: Law & Order Special Victims Unit marathon...dum-dum.  Sometimes I hate myself for getting so hooked! 

Loving: Our quarter ended Friday and I've finished my report cards! Yahoo! I'm feeling accomplished, for now.

Thinking: That's right friends, I'm feeling like the little engine that could.  I'm just chuggin along until the end of the school year.  Although our quarter ended and my report cards are due, we still have 8 days. Yes, 8 days of school...8 Ridiculously long FUN filled days of school left!!!  Really, we will have quite a bit of fun. My team is having a countdown to summer with a different theme and set of activities every day. I'll be sure to share that with you later!

Wanting: My Blackhawks Boys to win tonight! We're at Game 7, it's do or die! 

Needing: I've just got to purge my cabinets, drawers, and closet at school! Things have been feeling a little cramped lately.  I have a fear of becoming a  'Teacher Keeper' aka 'Classroom Hoarder'.  Eek!

Summer Bucket List: My list is a mile long like everyone else, but the three main things I hope to do this summer are read for enjoyment, create things for my TPT store, home, and classroom, and connect with friends and family.

The feeling one has at the  beginning of the summer is truly the best feeling! The unknown possibilities and adventures await! 
Be sure to check out the adorable Farley and the rest of the Currently link party!


  1. I have been purging. Feels like for the past 15 months. THOUGHT I purged last year at school when we had to pack up a bunch of stuff for new carpets. Then at home I purged because of a move. Now I'm purging yet again at school because of more renovations. IT HURTS, MAN! IT HURTS! Well, in the end it feels WAY better but in the inbetween time? It hurts. So good luck. What do you like to read?

  2. Erin when is y'all's last day? I'm sure y'all have to go extra bc of snow like us!

    1. Hi Ashley! Yes, we had 4 cold days in my district and we're now pushed back to June 11th. There are a bunch of families heading on vacation early, so I've got a number of kids who won't even be with me the last day!

  3. I cannot wait for the game tonight!!!! We've totally got this one! Hope your last days of school are super fun and not too hot!

    iTeach 1:1

    1. I'm going to be watching the entire game through my fingers! Yikes!

  4. I purged before I moved and it felt good! I can't think about all the stuff I threw away, but it's nice knowing it's not junking up my closet anymore!
    Learning with Mrs. Langley

    1. Yes! I"m looking forward to that feeling!!

  5. Oh I so need to purge. It's bad! All my school cabinets are exploding. That's my goal this summer.

  6. 8 days! You are almost done! You can do it!

    1. Haha! Thanks for the encouragement Cassie!

  7. I used to watch SVU like it was my job. Good luck with your "purge"....I get in the mood to do that in my house and it goes well for about 15 minutes then I find something nostalgic and get sucked into saving more than I should! Hope your last 8 days fly by!
    -fellow Sassanita!

    1. I'm going to hope I can stick to it and actually get rid of some things!

  8. I love your blog! The pink polka dots make me happy :) I like your summer bucket list. I often feel like I'm not the best friend and family member during the school year and look forward to summer for connecting again. I guess anyone who is friends with a teacher understands that in some form! Enjoy your summer!
    Covered in Glitter and Glue

  9. Hey! I'm in central IL. When is the meet-up?

    1. June 30, e-mail me at and I can share more details with you. :)

  10. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by BigTime Literacy! I can't believe you have to go to the 11th! That seems so so far away, but you'll have lots of time to get rid of things you don't need!
    Also, I'm totally interested in the meetup for Chicago bloggers - I've been hoping to find a group in IL for the past few months, so thanks for connecting me! You can reach me at to send me the details! so excited!
    PS - I'm your newest follower! :-)

  11. Fellow Blackhawks fan right here! And because of that.... sad :(
    Next year, right?! Love your blog!
    Thanks for stopping by mine! Love finding friends :)

    Cute in the Classroom

  12. Congrats on finishing your report cards! Me on the other hand...I've been purging everything I can to AVOID working on my report cards! Seriously, I need to get busy on those.
    Funky First Grade Fun
