
Friday, August 1, 2014

Currently...It's my Birthday!

Hello There! I'm taking a break from the celebrating to tell you that it's currently my birthday! Of course I need to link up with the sweet sweet Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade! My teaching bud and friend from my kiddie days Emily, at The First Grade Frenzy was the first to make it onto the link I have to give her a little shout out! Woot woot to my darling Padfoot! 

My birthday is always a bittersweet time since people start thinking about going back to school and making preparations. Nooooooooo...can't summer last forever?? Who will sleep in my bed until 10am and watch daytime TV if I'm not home?? 

Anyways, here we go!!!!!

Listening: Seriously, I love my reality TV...and the thicker the accent, the better! 

Loving: I've been spoiled today! Birthday flowers, prezzies, lunches, cake, milkshakes, shopping, and lots of hugs and kisses. I'm a lucky girl!

Thinking: There's cake in the I want lemon or chocolate??

Wanting: Tomorrow I'm heading to the beach and hoping to get some more color on these legs! I love the beach! Minus the sand, birds, and fish. :) 

Needing: Is there a rich prince out there who would like to sponsor my classroom this year? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

1st Day for me is the 25th, we have two days of in services and then the littles ones come. I'm getting excited! 

I'm off to continue celebrating me and summer! 


  1. Happy birthday!
    I'm feeling the same way about changing my lazy summer ways... hard to transition back to the routine!!!

    Real Teachers Learn

  2. First and foremost, Happy Birthday! Hooray for being spoiled on your birthday, we should always be treated like queens on our special day! I say go for the chocolate or hey, what if you just had one of each? It's your day! I hope that you enjoy your beach day. It's supposed to rain all weekend here in Virginia and I need to work on my tan!

    Love your blog! Currently always gives me the best excuse to go out and find new ones!

    Mrs O Knows

  3. Happy birthday! I hope everyone treated you like a queen today. :) Have fun at the beach tomorrow!
    It's crazy to think about how much we do for our classrooms, isn't it? I don't think some people realize the time, love, and dollars we put into our classrooms...
    Sarah from Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)

  4. Whoohoo...Happy Birthday!

    If you find someone to sponsor your classroom, will you send them my way when they are done. much time and money!

    Hope you have a wonderful year!


    Flamingos and Butterflies

  5. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day!

    Enjoy the rest of your summer. The 1st day of school will be here before you know it.

    Ms Richards's Musings

  6. Happy Birthday, Erin! I am currently empathizing with the classroom supplies. I ordered bins from Really Good Stuff through school at the end of the year to use for school supplies and library books; they got in yesterday and I realized that I needed so many more than I ordered. I'm looking at another $150 order if I am going to do this. Ugh! I forgot if you said... are you going tomorrow?

    Teaching In A Nutshell

  7. Happy birthday!! I go back to school on my birthday... :( BOO! Hope you had a spectacular day! I'm a new follower, I found you from the link up.

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  8. Happy, happy birthday! I hope you had a fabulous day at the beach...minus the sand! I LOVE YOU!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  9. Happy birthday!!! I hope you helped yourself to an extra piece of cake! It's your day after all and you can do as you please!
    Fifth Grade Wit and

  10. I can't wait to hear all about your big birthday trip! xoxo
