
Sunday, August 24, 2014

School Days, School Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days

It's official...summer is over. Wah! It always goes so fast! The bright side is that a new school year is starting with many exciting changes and possibilities! 
My district will have two Institute Days this week and then the kiddies will arrive on Wednesday- yikes! I've been hard at work trying to pretty up my room for the new year. I'm going to have a BIG class again, 27 is my maximum capacity according to my contract. I'm also going to have a large ELL  group this year. So my classroom goals were to create a print rich environment and maximize my student space.

I've still got some work to do, but here is a little sneak peek on my digs this year!
Rainbows and clouds are all over my room this year. They are making me SO happy!!!

I always feel like this corner of the room is dark and unused. I'm happy it's feeling brighter right now with the help of posters and my giant student mailboxes.  
Side note...any ideas on how to pretty up that chair without spending money?? Or a lot of time?? 
I'm thinking leftover fabric and ribbon?

The view from my teacher table over looks student desks and my classroom library. That makeover took longer than expected, but I'm loving the results!!! 

Teacher table and ELA Focus Wall

Guided Math is something new for me this year! Along with my district's new CCSS math series, I can't WAIT! I seriously love third grade math... #teachernerd
My school is also implementing PBIS this year and all of the third grade teachers will be housing Clip Charts as our unified system. 

Glittery lollipops are still hanging around! Three years running with my Sweet Shoppe theme!

This picture is majorly blurry...BUT my reading bags & the cloud paper are just a happy place right now! Instead of chopping up this giant bulletin board this year I decided to leave it blank to make room for tons of anchor charts! 
Over head I have the 6 Traits of Writing and classroom expectations from Molly Maloy. Love her!

The bunting I made for my windows last year makes me do the rows of labeled bins! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

This closet has had a MAJOR transformation. It was my messy zone. Like...throw it in the closet and shut the door quick before something falls down messy. 
Now it holds recess games, prizes for our Sweet Shoppe Trade In, colored paper and copies and oh so much more! 

And my last final shot of some glitter popsicles and clouds on my classroom door! Eek! 

I'm resting up this weekend and am hoping you are too!!!!


  1. Wow, everything looks wonderful! I love the candy accents:)

    4th Works

  2. I love all the colors! It looks really good!


  3. Your room is so happy! We do guided math also! I love it...and the flexibility of grouping. 27 kids is alot of kiddos. We also have PBIS this year. I do like the clip chart system as well. I especially love your paper hanging lanterns all in one area- so cute!!! I covered my desk chair with leftover fabric and made "ties" out of the fabric to tie the chair back together. It took a little sewing, but the ties basically hold it on there. I gathered the seat fabric on a cotton string and just tightened it and tied it underneath. I hope you have a fantastic year, Erin!! Your room is awesome!

  4. True story: Your glittery popsicles and lollipops are what first drew me to your blog last year. I knew right then and there we would be friends!! I love those lanterns in your library area. They really make the whole room bright and cheerful. It looks great! I can't wait to hear how much your kids love it on Wednesday!

  5. Looks amazing! Where'd you get the cloud paper? Christi Fultz has a tutorial on her blog that I used last year to cover an ugly old chair with fabric. It was super easy and no sewing required! Hope you're staying cool this week, girl.

  6. Everything about your room looks fabulous, friend! LOVE it!

  7. Oh Erin, it is the happiest, loveliest learning environment!!! I love all of the brights and the candy accents are my absolute favorite--you've definitely perfected that theme! I hope your year is off to a fantastic start :) :)

  8. ERIN! EEK! First, I am soooo sorry! You have left such sweet comments on my blog and I have completely neglected my blog and those sweet comments. Talk about Back To School Teacher Brain! You are right!! We are VERY SIMILAR! Ahhh, I love it!!

    I completely ADORE those lollipops and popsicles! Did you make those or buy them? They are stinkin' adorable! And the colors of your room are GORGEOUS! I feel like I need to meet you ASAP and have a craft party.

    Have a great long weekend! And, I promise I won't be such a slacker next time :)
    Missing Tooth Grins
