
Sunday, November 9, 2014

5 for Friday

Well, hello there!  Since this happened to be the longest week EVERRR, I figured I ought to document some of the happenings on this ole' blog.  I'm not sure if I was in a funk because of Day Light Savings Time, the Chicagoland cool temperatures, or the fact that I was battling an awful cold.

Either way, here is my belated 5 for Friday! 

First up I actually finished my next set of literacy centers. Although they're a tad late, I figured my kiddies will welcome the change! I love how easy and low maintenance these center games are.  This set does not have a holiday theme to it, so I'll be able to pull these games out anytime of the year.  You can check them out HERE.  

On Wednesday I had the great privilege of visiting Kristin from iTeach1:1 and her adorable classroom!  Kristin is SUCH a doll and her students absolutely adore her.  A co-worker and myself headed over to her classroom to observe how she incorporates her iPad technology into their school day.  It was really interesting and I can't say enough about how impressed I was with the independence level of her little second graders! 

We've just wrapped up our Weather Unit in Science and my kiddies were SO excited to make their Weather Forecasting Presentations.  Who new forecasting weather could be so exciting?? It's the little things I tell ya'. 

Hey! Guess what!? Not only did I finish a pack of centers, but I also made two multiplication math game FREEBIES.  My kids always love a math game that includes dice and I hope your kids will feel the same way.  You can check these out HERE and HERE

I was so excited to make it though the long week and even had enough energy to dress up for the 50th Day of School.  I was in love with how my faux saddle shoes came out! The idea of course came from Pinterest.  I bought a $4 pair of tennis shoes and grabbed a Sharpie marker and went to town.
Just make sure you crack a window to help avoid those permanent marker fumes.  WHEW! 


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