
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Interrupting Chickens!

I survived the first week of school! Wa-hoo! Alright, it was only 3 days with my students...but hey that counts! We're working our way up to a full 5 day week.  Let me tell you the weather has been hot, hot, hot in Chicago this past week.  We're talking mid-July hot -n- humid style (YUCK)! So that plus a school without air conditioning and add 27 students into a room...things can get a bit uncomfortable.  I was so proud of my students, not one of my little chick-a-dees complained about the heat!

Back to the topic at hand...Interrupting Chicken! As you know, it doesn't take long to figure out if you have a student who has a bad case of 'the blurts'...come on, there's always at least one! Well, this year is no exception for me and I wanted to address it right away!  David Ezra Stein's book Interrupting Chicken is a super cute read aloud! I planned on creating an anchor chart with my students on characteristics of Interrupting Chicken and behaviors we should avoid at school...but then I found Mrs. Wheeler from Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade  and her amazing freebie on Interrupting Chicken! I really couldn't have designed anything more perfect, so THANKS!!!

After reading the book with my class, we created this anchor chart using pieces from Mrs. Wheeler's freebie on TPT and organized behaviors of an interrupting chicken and behaviors of a respectful student.  It's a great reminder for students as their coming back from summer vacation and easing back into school mode.  Plus, it gives me the opportunity to say, "Uh-oh! Is there an interrupting chicken in my class today??" followed by a loud gasp from the rest of the class. 
The freebie also included this cute worksheet where my students drew an example of someone behaving like an interrupting chicken and someone behaving like a responsible student.  How ca-ute is that! I've collected these and will be binding them into a fun class book!  You can download this awesome freebie HERE!
Best of luck with your all of your interrupting chickens this year!


  1. No air conditioning?! Oh my! I don't know if I could handle that! Never read this book...looks super cute!

  2. Always on the look out for a new book, especially one that packs a punch. Thanks for highlighting this one. Our kinder start up is very civilised. We have kids for 2 days then the weekend then kids for 2 days then they have a day off mid week then kids for 2 days then the weekend etc. this is our start up pattern for six weeks. It's absolutely wonderful.
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  3. I am feeling your pain. My air was out too for the first week of school. It was so hot, that the school board sent over portable air units. At least we had some form of air. I am happy to say that all the parts came in and maintenance fixed the AC finally.


  4. Oh man, have I got a little interrupting chicken too! I bought this book last year - thanks for the reminder to get it out again a,

  5. I agree with you! I also teach in the same area as you (Chicago suburb) and it has been crazy hot! The kids come in dripping in sweat and I feel bad that I don't have a swimming pool in my room for them to cool off in. LOL Hopefully, this week will be better.

    Turtley Loving Teaching
