
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ziploc Bags and Kleenex...Oh My!

This blog post may be deliriously boring for those without a Type A personality and a compulsive need to be organized...
It's back to school time and your kids show up with full backpacks.  Our classroom has been well stocked with glue sticks, lined paper, sticky-notes, and of course boxes of the much needed Ziploc baggies and Kleenex!  I am so grateful for the supplies, but I struggle to find a place to store all of these boxes.  It's an internal dilemma between my obsession of having a cute clutter-free room & keeping the supplies in a place that's easy to get to for both my students and myself. 

If you enter my room, it's no secret that I love storing and organizing things in plastic shoe boxes.  I found one trick that helps to cut down on the excessive amount of space all of those Ziploc Baggie boxes take.

Ta Da! My favorite shoe boxes come back into play! Now I know it's not fancy...and it may in fact be pretty darn boring...but I love it.

Of course, not all of the baggies fit here, but I'm able to empty quite a few boxes into my shoe box organizer which cuts down on some of the space issue. 

As for the Kleenex collection...last year I had a fabulous piece of furniture in my room which concealed all of my boxes.  However, in my furniture purge this summer that piece is now gone. :( So this year I decided to fill these pink bins I had used for book storage during the summer as my Kleenex storage during the school year.  It's not the greatest...but I prefer to look at those bins than 60 boxes of tissue!


  1. I am SO Type A. That's probably why we get along so well! I'm lucky to have some large cabinets to hide Ziplocs, Kleenex, and Clorox Wipes are I'd go crazy! XO
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. This is brilliant! I'm so thankful for the school supplies kids bring in, but it's so hard to find a place to put them (especially where they look neat and organized). Your shoe boxes are a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

    -Amanda @
    Teacher at the Wheel

  3. You must get a lot more supplies than I do! :) Nice!

  4. What a great way to get those Ziplocs out of their bulky and tacky boxes ;)! Love it...and appreciate your organization to the fullest!

    The Second Grade Superkids

  5. I think ziplock bags are easy to use and save so much space.
